Wednesday 7 March 2018


FACTS: Radio 1 Breakfast show: 06:30 - 10:00 am

 - Been running since 1967.

 - Nick Grimshaw: 15th presenter, since 2012

 - Radio 1 broadcast on FM, DAB, freeview, Freesat, Virgin, Sky or online via BBC radio player.

 - Can be online or streamed for 30 days.

 - Produced by BBC from its own Studios at Broadcasting House in London


Producer: Will Foster     Assistant producer: Fiona Hanlon and Nick Grimshaw


- What's most challenging and most enjoyable about working on the show?

 There can be difficult guests that can be boring so they have to decide how long they are on for so if they are bad then they shorten the interview. They can’t have closed answers such as 'yes' or 'no,' they need to give long answers to make it easier for the interviewer. The guest could have mild discussion and could not have appropriate answers so it is the presenter’s role to decide if they stay on. It is a fun atmosphere and very interesting and enjoyable to work there.

- What are the team dynamics like?

 The team need to be close and work together effectively. Need to have natural relationships like a 'dysfunctional family.' Need to treat the relationship as a job at the start and then they expand to friendships if you get on. It is important to trust each other because there may be some problems or some instant script changes.

- How can you break into radio?

   You need experience by working on radio in any role and have communication and organisational skills. You need to directly ask the producers and team to get a job. Persistence is key because there will be rejection. It takes a while to get used to radio and speaking on your own. You need to look at the features you like about other presenters and use them to get better. You need to be able to talk about things you like for long periods of time and that are easy to talk about.

- What preparation goes into each programme?

 The structure is set but they are flexible about what they say. They are given around 5 topics and then they put the order before they start. The script changes because its daily and it depends on the guest and the big topics of the day. They need to make sure they put in the best features and the best questions. The guests need to be briefed about what might pop up and what they can and cannot say do they can get the best possible answers out of them. The content needs to be entertaining and engaging with the audience. The content needs to be relatable to the audience so they can call in and tell their stories and opinions. Ultimately, the content comes down to what the audience want. The music team playlist the day from 4am to 7pm.

- What are the different responsibilities of presenters and producers?

 They need to wake up early and be in for 5am and know the key structure of the show. They need to be responsible for asking the best questions to the guest and make sure that everything said is for a reason. Need to be organised and manageable. They need to always be weary of new popular topics so they can have an idea of what might be on the next show. They are responsible for the content and the show as the bosses rarely come in. They ask for certain guests and also get asked to have that guest based on if they are visiting London. They need to get ahead so look at TV guides and upcoming films. The presenter needs to lead the interviews and the shows by asking good questions and getting the guest to give long answer not short ones. The presenter is in charge of making the show entertaining and engaging. They are in charge of social media and callers and contests.

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