Thursday 31 January 2019


Absent Fathers:
This is an important theme as it is represented by several characters. Firstly, from the first scene of Joyce and Jonathan when they realise that Will is missing, you can see straight away that there is no father figure in the house. This is important when it comes to searching for Will, as when Hopper queries if Will could be with his dad, Joyce is confident that he won’t be there as he has no part in Wills life, as Jonathan is the father figure for Will. The other main way this is shown is through eleven. Although she knows her father (‘papa’), he is not acting as a proper father figure towards him. He is keeping her locked up like an experiment, even though she persists to call him papa. Finally, Mikes dad shows absenteeism even though he is present in his day to day life. He shows lack of care and consideration to his children.

Family Life and Relationships:
Relationships is a very important aspect in Stranger Things. Not only romantically, but also friend relationships. Without the friendship shown in the series, they would not be able to discover what has happened to Will. Friendship is used to show that sticking together can be used as a strength in order to save Will. Family life is also a very prominent theme within the first episode. Families are created within the series, not only by blood but with strong friendship bonds. Family life is highlighted when eleven is abandoned and has no family to look after her. She is taken in by Mike and he and the boys become a family to her as she has no one else.

Wills mum is one of the most important characters as she is a huge part of the main story-line. The theme of mothers is shown almost entirely the way through between Will and his mother when he goes missing and she goes through anything to get him back. Joyce is presented at the beginning as a careless mother, however as the episode progresses you see that she cares deeply for her children. The theme of mothers is important as they are often represented as being weak and soft. In Stranger Things, especially the first episode, you see a counter-type of this immediately from Wills mother. As a single, working class mother she shows that she is strong willed and focused on finding her son, she doesn’t come across as weak, and she shows this through her actions when searching for him. 

In the first episode of Stranger Things, the government is a main theme. This is shown straight away as the first character to be shown is from the Governments lab. The government have control over everybody, and this is shown when the lady from the government shoots Benny when looking for eleven.

In Stranger Things, teenagers play a big role in the story. Firstly, there are the main group of boys; Will, Mike, Lucas and Dustin. These are the boys who continue the story and are the main basis of it. Also, Jonathan, Barb, Nancy and Steve are a slightly older group of teenagers, who have their own story line within the story. The role of teenagers is important in the show as they show the difference between them and their parents. The teenagers being able to solve problems, show to the viewers that they are able to do the same thing as adults. There are examples of the teenagers acting as adults, for example Jonathan has stepped up and acts as the man of the house as their dad doesn’t live with them, so Jonathan is in charge of looking after Will, and also has to work in order for them to be able to afford their house etc.

Police is a key theme. One of the main characters, Hopper, is the police sheriff. Hopper begins as a stereotypical police man, however as his concern grows for Will, he turns into a counter-type of a policeman going above and beyond for his job. Police are important in this as they usually work for the government, where as they work against the government as they are the bad people. Without the police Will would not have been able to be found.

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