Thursday 31 January 2019



VOD = Viewing on demand

SVOD = Streaming 

Easter eggs = cross references so super-fans notice

DVR = Digital video recording 

Binge-watch = to watch multiple episodes of (a television programme) in rapid succession, typically by means of DVDs or digital streaming

State of the nation = whats going on at the moment of release that could have an effect on how the programme is received

Cultural Zeitgeist =  Zeitgeist is defined as the spirit of a generation or a period of time. An example of zeitgeist is the free love and progressive thinking of the 1960s, this time period can resonate with the current day for a programme to sell e.g. Stranger Things is set in the 80s which people of today enjoy viewing

Constructed realism = the way in which it's media product uses the technical elements and what we see/media language to make the audience feel a certain way

Dominant ideology = a system or structure of beliefs/values/ideas about the way in which we should live, behave and think in any given society 


Each episode lasts from 45 minutes to an hour.
American Network broadcasters must satisfy their advertisers and hold a market share- this is the equivalent of Freeview
American Cable TV, HBO was the first US national subscription cable TV channel in 1970s - can take more risks. This is the equivalent of Sky or Virgin.

Trouble with UK TV drama - failed to meet the challenge of US cable channels to move to long-form, with their risk-taking content and style.

ABC1 audience means higher paid advertising

Subscription VOD (Viewing on demand)

-Content viewing via a TV still dominates in UK
-Growth of SVOD (streaming) web based channels such as Netflix, Amazon Instant Video and Now TV is considerable.

-Rise of binge watching started with DVD in late 90s/early c21
-US long form drama often uses EASTER EGGS and mid season breaks to generate fan intensity and maintain media profile

Easter eggs - cross refernces so super fans notice

Why do audiences love LFTVD?

  • High quality drama
  • Multiple episodes/hours/years
  • Content can be dark/difficult but innovative
  • Now attracts some of the best/innovative writers/actors
  • Time shifting (record and watch another time-control when you watch DVR)
  • Easily accessible
  • Keeps people invested
  • Creativity 
  • Characters change in ways that are surprising
  • It allows to shows to play with theme and character development in unique ways

Subscription - Sky, Virgin
Streaming - Netflix, Amazon Prime

LFTVD can be any genre from crime to romance to comedy and mystery, narratives can be on any subject and themes can be hard-hitting like racism and grief but can also be inclusive of love and family.

Production values: $3-4million per episode

Top 3 ways of watching TV

Terrestrial: First 5 channels (more regulation, follow a PSB)
Cable: Sky, Virgin
Streaming: Netflix, Amazon Prime

Exam: Paper 2

30 marks - 45 minutes
10 marks - 15 minutes

TV drama needs:

  • Location (various)
  • Stock characters
  • Multiple narratives
  • 1 hour episodes
  • Cliff hangers
  • High production value 
  • Has a number of episodes to help create narrative

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