Tuesday 5 March 2019


Image result for deutschland 83 poster

peace hand gesture- peace and love
kite- freedom
fruit & space invader- western technology and varied and exotic fruit
green, grass, colourful- freedom, love and prosperity
plain white tee, normal clothes- freedom of choice

barbwire- controlled
hand in a fist gesture- anger and power
Lenin and Marks- founders of communism
concrete rigid linear structure- confined within the walls of the community
uniform and pale- lack of sun in the East and no freedom of choice

eye level- allows audience to connect with the character
in the center thirds- shows his importance

both sides have the same font- yellow suggests that both sides are happy
spy genre- audience

Friday 8 February 2019

ST essay 15/02/2019

The series being studied is 'Stranger Things' a long form TV drama (LFTVD). From the series, I am analyzing season 1, episode 1 and the sequence is from '37:58 minutes' to the end of the episode.

Deutschland 83 character list